
How To Sign Up For The National Clandestine Service

Directorate of Operations
Directorate of Operations Seal.jpg
Agency overview
Formed 1951 (as Directorate of Plans)
Employees Classified
Annual budget Classified
Agency executives
  • Unknown, Deputy Director of CIA for Operations
  • William Joseph Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Parent section Central Intelligence Agency

The Directorate of Operations (DO), less formally called the Clandestine Service,[one] is a component of the U.s. Central Intelligence Agency.[1] Information technology was known every bit the Directorate of Plans from 1951 to 1973; as the Advisers of Operations from 1973 to 2005; and every bit the National Hush-hush Service (NCS) from 2005 to 2015.[ii]

The Practice "serves as the clandestine arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the national authorization for the coordination, de-confliction, and evaluation of hugger-mugger operations across the Intelligence Community of the United States".[3]

History [edit]

Predecessors [edit]

The Directorate of Plans was originally conceived to solve organizational rivalry between the Office of Special Operations (OSO) and the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). There was operational overlap between the two CIA departments, even though OSO was focused on intelligence collection whereas OPC was more focused on covert action.[4] Director of Cardinal Intelligence Walter Bedell Smith attempted to meliorate the situation by appointing Allen Dulles on January iv, 1951, to the new position of Deputy Manager for Plans (DDP) where he would supervise the ii entities. Co-ordinate to Anne Karalekas, a staffer of the Church Committee who wrote a history of the CIA, that was just a cosmetic change, and it was only on August one, 1952 that OPC and OSO were properly merged to form the Directorate of Plans (DDP).[four] The Directorate of Plans used the abbreviation of its chief.[v] Co-ordinate to John Prados, the name was intended to disguise the true function of the Directorate.[5]

The Directorate was the CIA branch that conducted covert operations and recruited foreign agents. DDP consisted of, among other subdivisions, a unit of measurement for political and economic covert activity (the Covert Action Staff), for paramilitary covert action (the Special Operations unit), for counterintelligence, and for several geographic desks responsible for the collection of strange intelligence. On March i, 1973, DDP became the Directorate of Operations [6] and the manager became known as the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO).

The Directorate also housed special groups for conducting counter-narcotics and counter-terrorism, for tracking nuclear proliferation, and other tasks.

Blessing of clandestine and covert operations [edit]

Approval of clandestine and covert operations came from a multifariousness of committees, although in the early days of quasi-democratic offices and the early DDP, in that location was more internal potency to approve operations.[7] Later its creation in the Truman administration, the CIA was, initially, the financial manager for OPC and OSO, authorized to handle "unvouchered funds" by National Security Quango document iv-A of December 1947, the launching of peacetime covert action operations. NSC iv-A fabricated the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for psychological warfare, establishing at the aforementioned time the principle that covert action was an exclusively Executive Co-operative function.

Early autonomy of OPC [edit]

Initially, the supervision by commission allowed the OPC to exercise

early use of its new covert action mandate dissatisfied officials at the Departments of State and Defense. The Department of State, believing this part besides important to be left to the CIA alone and concerned that the military might create a new rival covert action office in the Pentagon, pressed to reopen the effect of where responsibility for covert action activities should reside. Consequently, on June 18, 1948, a new NSC directive, NSC 10/2, superseded NSC iv-A.

NSC 10/2 directed the CIA to conduct "covert" rather than simply "psychological" operations, defining them equally all activities "which are conducted or sponsored by this Authorities against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign states or groups merely which are and so planned and executed that whatsoever US Government responsibleness for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the The states Government tin can plausibly disclaim whatever responsibility for them".

NSC x/ii defined the scope of these operations equally:

propaganda; economical warfare; preventive direct activeness, including sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion confronting hostile states, including assist to hugger-mugger resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberations [sic] groups, and back up of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world. Such operations should not include armed conflict by recognized military forces, espionage, counter-espionage, and cover and deception for military operations.[viii]

Guerrilla warfare was outside this statement of scope, merely such operations came under partial CIA control with NSC 10/five of October 1951. See "Psychological Strategy Lath" below. To implement covert actions nether NSC 10/2, the OPC was created on September 1, 1948. Its initial structure had it taking guidance from the State Department in peacetime and from the war machine in wartime, initially had direct access to the State Department and to the military without having to continue through the CIA's authoritative bureaucracy, provided the Director of Fundamental Intelligence (DCI) was informed of all important projects and decisions. In 1950 this system was modified to ensure that policy guidance came to OPC through the DCI. During the Korean War, the OPC grew quickly. Wartime commitments and other missions soon fabricated covert activeness the most expensive and bureaucratically prominent of the CIA's activities.

Concerned near this situation, DCI Walter Bedell Smith in early on 1951 asked the NSC for enhanced policy guidance and a ruling on the proper "scope and magnitude" of CIA operations. The White House responded with ii initiatives. In Apr 1951 President Truman created the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) under the NSC to coordinate authorities-wide psychological warfare strategy.

Putting special operations under a "psychological" organisation paralleled the military's development of U.Due south. Army Special Forces, which was created by a Pentagon unit called the Psychological Warfare Division. "NSC 10/five, issued in October 1951, reaffirmed the covert activeness mandate given in NSC 10/2 and expanded CIA'south authorisation over guerrilla warfare"[9] The incoming Eisenhower administration soon abolished the PSB, but the expansion of the CIA'south covert action writ in NSC ten/five helped ensure that covert action would remain a major function of the Agency.[vii]

As the Truman administration ended, CIA was almost the summit of its independence and authority in the field of covert activity. Although CIA continued to seek and receive advice on specific projects ... no group or officer exterior of the DCI and the President himself had potency to order, approve, manage, or curtail operations.

Increasing control by CIA management [edit]

Afterward Smith, who was Eisenhower's World War 2 Master of Staff, consolidated the CIA, the OPC and the OSO in 1952, the Eisenhower assistants began narrowing the CIA's latitude in 1954. In accordance with a serial of National Security Council directives, the Director of Cardinal Intelligence'southward responsibility for the deport of covert operations was further clarified. President Eisenhower approved NSC 5412 on March 15, 1954, reaffirming the CIA'south responsibility for conducting covert actions abroad". A series of committees, containing representatives from Land, Defense, the CIA, and sometimes the White House or NSC, reviewed operations. Over time and reorganizations, these committees were called the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), NSC 5412/2 Special Group or but Special Group, Special Group (Augmented), 303 Committee, and Special Group (Animus).[7]

National Clandestine Service [edit]

In the aftermath of the September eleven attacks in 2001, a report by the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and later on the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, conducted past the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the report released by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United states of america, identified serious shortcomings in the Intelligence Customs's HUMINT capabilities, ranging from the lack of qualified linguists to the lack of Community-wide data sharing. These efforts resulted in the passage of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Deed in 2004, which created the position of the Manager of National Intelligence and tasked the CIA's Director with developing a "strategy for improving the human intelligence and other capabilities of the Agency."[10]

In 2004, Senator Pat Roberts, the Senate Intelligence Committee's Chairman, drafted the 9/11 National Security Protection Act[11] in which he proposed that the Directorate of Operations exist removed from the CIA and established every bit an independent agency known as the National Clandestine Service. The NCS' cosmos was also recommended by the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Devastation.[12] The Commission'due south investigation found that HUMINT capabilities had been severely degraded since the end of the Cold State of war and were ill-suited for targeting non-state actors such every bit terrorist organizations. The Commission as well noted that HUMINT operations were poorly coordinated between the various federal entities who conducted them and encouraged the development of better methods of validating human sources, in calorie-free of the revelations about the source known equally Curveball.

Offset its study of the Intelligence Customs in 1995, a non-governmental grouping including former National Security Agency Director William Due east. Odom, sometime Defence Intelligence Agency Managing director Harry E. Soyster, former DIA Director and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper, and quondam General Counsel for the CIA and the NSA Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, issued a report, kickoff in 1997 and in an updated form in 2002, which recommended the NCS' cosmos.[13]

The CIA appear the NCS' cosmos in a press release on October xiii, 2005.[fourteen] Opposite to Senator Roberts' proposal, the NCS would exist a component of the CIA, rather than an contained executive co-operative agency.

Organization [edit]

See Managing director of the National Hole-and-corner Service for a full listing of directors since 1951.

Organizational nautical chart of the National Undercover Service co-ordinate to the book The Us Intelligence Community by Jeffrey T. Richelson.

The NCS is structured under its manager as follows:[15]

  • Deputy Director of the NCS
    • Counterproliferation Division
    • Counterterrorism Center
    • Counterintelligence Centre
    • Regional & Transnational Issues Divisions
    • Applied science Back up Divisions
  • Deputy Director of the NCS for Community HUMINT
    • Community HUMINT Coordination Center

A major headquarters element was the Counterintelligence Staff, about powerful when led by James Jesus Angleton. Information technology was the principal U.S. organization responsible for vetting potential new Underground HUMINT assets, and for U.S. offensive counterespionage and deception.

Various groups provide support services, such as cover documentation and disguise.[16] A technical services unit, sometimes in the undercover division and occasionally in the Directorate of Scientific discipline and Technology, contained both espionage equipment development and sometimes questionable research, such as the MKULTRA heed control programme.

Special Activities Center [edit]

Under an assortment of names, such as Special Activities Eye, at that place is a paramilitary function that may enter and set an area of operations earlier U.S. Special Functioning Forces enter in a more overt military role. This may or may not include psychological operations, especially black propaganda; paramilitary and psychological functions accept split and joined under various historical reorganizations.

Administrated past the Do, the paramilitary operations officers from the Special Operations Group are maintained in the Special Activities Center. They are highly skilled in weaponry; covert transport of personnel and material by air, sea, and land; guerrilla warfare; the employ of explosives; assassination and sabotage; and escape and evasion techniques. They are prepared to respond quickly to myriad possible needs, from parachute drops and communications support to assistance with counter-narcotics operations and defector infiltration. SAC maintains a symbiotic relationship with the Joint Special Operations Command, and is largely run past former JSOC members.[17]

SAC/SOG is a special operations force, along with the armed forces's five special mission units:

  • U.s.a. Naval Special Warfare Development Group (too known as DEVGRU, NSWDG or SEAL Team Six and previously Mob-Six)
  • United States Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (also known as Delta Force, A.C.Eastward. or C.A.G.)
  • Us Army Intelligence Support Activity (also known equally I.S.A., The Activity and previously Gray Flim-flam)
  • United States Army Regimental Reconnaissance Visitor
  • United States Air Force'south 24th Special Tactics Squadron

For special operations missions and its other responsibilities, the Special Operations staff attempts to recruit people with the requisite specialized skills, although geographic desks remain the principal units involved in the recruitment of personnel in so-called denied areas (such as Great socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya, Iran, Iraq, et cetera). Special operations also provide special air, ground, maritime and training support for the Agency's intelligence gathering operations.

DO officers [edit]

The Practice consists of iv career categories of officers:[18]

Beneath are brief descriptions of the four principal categories and where applicable the sub-categories of Hole-and-corner Service Officers.

  1. Operations Officers (OO): focus full-time on "clandestinely spotting, assessing, developing, recruiting, and handling individuals with access to vital foreign intelligence".[xix]
  2. Collection Direction Officers (CMO) "oversee and facilitate the collection, evaluation, classification, and broadcasting of foreign intelligence developed from surreptitious sources." They ensure that "foreign intelligence collected by undercover sources is relevant, timely, and addresses the highest strange policy and national security needs".[20]
  3. Staff Operations Officers (SOO) are based out of CIA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., and "program, guide and back up intelligence collection operations, counterintelligence activities and covert activity programs". [21]
  4. Specialized Skills Officers (SSO) consist of a diverse grouping of "Data Resource Officers, Language Officers, Paramilitary Operations Officers, Programs and Plans Officers, and Targeting Officers—many of which are Core Collector certified". SSOs carry and/or directly support CIA operations leveraging their linguistic communication, media, technical skills and/or military machine experience. Qualified candidates tin can expect to focus on human intelligence operations and activities as defined by the Intelligence Community.

Officers in this career track volition directly support and drive complex worldwide NCS operations to develop actionable intelligence confronting the highest priority threats to U.S. national security.[22]

Qualified candidates tin can await to focus on intelligence operations and activities for U.S. policymakers in hazardous and austere overseas environments.[23]

The NCS' chief action arm is the Special Activities Center, which conducts direct action-like raids, ambushes, sabotage, assassinations, unconventional warfare (east.grand. training and leading guerrillas), and deniable psychological operations, the latter too known as "covert influence". While special reconnaissance may be either a armed forces or intelligence operation, these commonly are executed by Lamentable officers in denied areas.[17] [24] Paramilitary Operations Officers are chosen mainly from the ranks of U.S. special operations forces.[17] SAD operatives are the well-nigh specialized considering they combine the best special operations and hush-hush intelligence capabilities in i individual. They operate in any surroundings (sea, air, or ground), with express to no support. They originate in the SAD's Special Operations Group (SOG), considered one of the near elite special operations units in the world.[25]

Programme and Plans Officers devise, oversee and carry out a variety of particularly unique, complex and long-term underground operational activities primarily of a non-paramilitary nature, but ofttimes in support of paramilitary programs. Language Officers 'Perform a disquisitional and dynamic function within the NCS, the Linguistic communication Officeholder applies advanced foreign language skills, experience, and expertise to provide high-quality translation, interpretation, and linguistic communication-related support for a variety of NCS underground operations. [26]

Covert action [edit]

A covert action is divers equally "an activity or activities of the United States government to influence political, economic, or military machine conditions abroad, where information technology is intended that the office of the United States Government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly".[27] A covert operation differs from a underground performance in that emphasis is placed on concealment of the identity of the sponsor rather than on concealment of the operation.[24]

Covert operations include paramilitary and psychological activities. See Psychological Operations (United States) for a more general give-and-take of U.S. psychological operations, including those operations for which the CIA is responsible and those that belong to other agencies.

Executive Gild 12333 bans assassinations by persons employed by or acting on behalf of the United States regime.[28]

Hole-and-corner HUMINT collection [edit]

Legal authorities

A number of statutes, executive orders, and directives assign the job of conducting HUMINT operations to the CIA:

  1. By federal statute, the CIA'southward director is tasked with the collection of intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate ways.[29]
  2. Executive Society 12333[thirty] states, "The Director of the Cardinal Intelligence Agency shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence nerveless through human sources such as 'moles' or other human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities outside the United states."
  3. National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. v (NSCID 5)[31] provides that: "The Director of Primal Intelligence shall conduct all organized Federal espionage operations outside the United States and its possessions for the drove of strange intelligence data required to meet the needs of all Departments and Agencies concerned, in connectedness with the national security, except for certain agreed activities past other Departments and Agencies."
  4. Intelligence Customs Directive Number 340 designates the CIA equally the National HUMINT Manager.[32]

Techniques for the clandestine collection of HUMINT are collectively known every bit tradecraft. A discussion of many of these techniques tin be institute at Surreptitious HUMINT operational techniques.

Very few statutes and publicly available regulations bargain specifically with clandestine HUMINT techniques. One such statute forbids the employ of journalists equally agents unless the President makes the written determination to waive this restriction based on the "overriding national security interest of the United States".[33] In the Intelligence Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2002, Congress instructed the CIA's director to rescind what Congress viewed as overly restrictive guidelines regarding the recruitment of foreign assets who had a record of human rights violations.[34]

Army camp Peary (as well referred to as "The Farm"), about Williamsburg, Virginia, is purportedly a CIA training facility for undercover operatives.

Clandestine technical collection [edit]

The Agency likewise may be responsible for developing communications systems appropriate for clandestine operations. In 1962, the Cardinal Intelligence Bureau, Deputy Advisers for Inquiry (now the Deputy Directorate for Science and Technology), formally took on ELINT and COMINT responsibilities.[35]

The consolidation of the ELINT program was one of the major goals of the reorganization ... it is responsible for:

  • ELINT back up peculiar to the penetration problems associated with the Agent's reconnaissance program under NRO.
  • Maintain a quick reaction capability for ELINT and COMINT equipment.

CIA'south Function of Research and Development was formed to stimulate research and innovation testing leading to the exploitation of not-agent intelligence collection methods. ... All not-agent technical drove systems will be considered by this office and those appropriate for field deployment volition be so deployed. The Agency's missile detection arrangement, Project [deleted] based on backscatter radar is an example. This office will besides provide integrated systems analysis of all possible collection methods against the Soviet antiballistic missile programme is an example.

Sometimes in cooperation with technical personnel at other agencies such every bit the NSA when the drove discipline is SIGINT, or the DIA when the techniques come MASINT, or other appropriate agencies such as the Department of Free energy for nuclear information, the CIA may piece of work to place technical collection equipment in denied territory. They have also cooperated in placing such equipment into U.S. embassies. Emplacing and servicing such equipment is another form of clandestine functioning, of which the antagonist should not be aware. These include:[35]

  • Research, development, testing, and production of ELINT and COMINT collection equipment for all Agency operations.
  • Technical operation and maintenance of CIA deployed non-agent ELINT systems.
  • Training and maintenance of agent ELINT equipment
  • Technical support to the Third Party Agreements.
  • Information reduction of Agency-collected ELINT signals.

Meet MASINT from clandestinely placed sensors. The CIA took on a more distinct MASINT responsibility in 1987.[36] The National Security Annal commented, "In 1987, Deputy Director for Science and Technology Evan Hineman established ... a new Part for Special Projects. concerned not with satellites, but with emplaced sensors – sensors that could exist placed in a stock-still location to collect signals intelligence or measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) about a specific target. Such sensors had been used to monitor Chinese missile tests, Soviet laser activity, military movements, and strange nuclear programs. The office was established to bring together scientists from the DS&T'due south Office of SIGINT Operations, who designed such systems, with operators from the Directorate of Operations, who were responsible for transporting the devices to their hush-hush locations and installing them."

Overt HUMINT [edit]

In add-on they may produce HUMINT from overt sources, such as voluntary interviews with travelers, businesspeople, etc. Some of the latter may exist considered open source intelligence OSINT and be performed by other agencies, but equally reports from diplomats are some other form of HUMINT that flows into the State Department.

At times, this function may be assigned to the CIA, considering its counter-intelligence staff has biographical indexes that let them check the groundwork of foreign citizens offer information. For example, there may be a name cheque on a business or scientific contact who meets either with CIA representatives or staff of the National Open up Source Enterprise.

Controversy [edit]

The Directorate has been subject field to harsh criticism in the media, and due to its covert and independent nature did not, or could non, effectively respond.[ commendation needed ] Its capabilities had been in decline since the public outcry resulting from the Church Committee'due south revelations of the DO's highly questionable activities. Furthermore, the Exercise fought frequent "turf" battles amongst the Executive Branch bureaucracies, almost prominently with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Defense and Country departments. These factors became key reasons for the NCS's inception.

Former NCS Director Jose Rodriguez was criticized for his office in the 2005 CIA interrogation tapes devastation.

Run across also [edit]

  • Church building Commission
  • CIA operations
  • Defense Undercover Service
  • William Joseph ("Wild Beak") Donovan
  • Office of Strategic Services
  • Special Activities Heart
  • Special Operations
  • United states of america Intelligence Community

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b Fundamental Intelligence Bureau, Careers & Internships, Retrieved:9 July 2015
  2. ^ "Unclassified Version of March 6, 2015 Message to the Workforce from CIA Managing director John Brennan: Our Bureau's Design for the Future". Central Intelligence Bureau. 6 March 2015.
  3. ^ "Mission of the National Clandestine Service". CIA Website . Retrieved April 28, 2011.
  4. ^ a b Karalekas, Anne (23 Apr 1976). History of the Central Intelligence Agency. Church Committee. pp. 36–38.
  5. ^ a b Prados, John (2006). Rubber for Democracy: The Hole-and-corner Wars of the CIA. Ivan R. Dee. p. 11. ISBN9781615780112.
  6. ^ "CIA Celebrates 60 Years". Central Intelligence Bureau. 2007.
  7. ^ a b c "U.S. Covert Actions and Counter-Insurgency Programs". Foreign Relations of the U.s.a., 1964-1968, Volume XXIV.
  8. ^ "Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945–1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment". U.S. Department of State. pp. Document 292, Department 5. Retrieved 2007-04-15 .
  9. ^ Warner, Michael, ed. (October 23, 1951). "NSC 10/5, Telescopic and Pace of Covert Operations". The CIA Under Harry Truman. Central Intelligence Agency.
  10. ^ "Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Section 1011" (PDF). PL 108-458. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2011-04-29 .
  11. ^ "ix-11 Act" (PDF). 9-xi Act National Security Protection Act.
  12. ^ "Unclassified Version of the Report of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction". Archived from the original on 2011-06-07. Retrieved 2011-04-28 .
  13. ^ "Moderning Intelligence: Structure and Change for the 21st Century" (PDF). Modernizing Intelligence: January 2002 Edition. National Institute for Public Policy. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 7, 2011. Retrieved April 29, 2011.
  14. ^ "Establishment of the National Clandestine Service" (Press release). Key Intelligence Agency. 2005-x-13. Retrieved 2008-11-14 .
  15. ^ "Organizational Chart". Fundamental Intelligence Bureau.
  16. ^ Mendez, Antonio J. (1999). Master of Disguise: My Surreptitious Life in the CIA. William Morrow and Company, Inc. ISBN0-06-095791-3.
  17. ^ a b c Waller, Douglas (2003-02-03). "The CIA Undercover Army". Time. Archived from the original on February i, 2003.
  18. ^ "NCS Career Opportunities". Clandestine Service Fields.
  19. ^ "Operations Officers". Core Collectors.
  20. ^ "Collection Management Officer". Core Collectors.
  21. ^ "Staff Operations Officeholder". Headquarters-based Officers.
  22. ^ "Targeting Officers". Headquarters-based Officeholder.
  23. ^ "Paramilitary Operations Officer". Paramilitary. Archived from the original on 2012-01-30. Retrieved 2011-04-28 .
  24. ^ a b "Joint Publication 1-02 Section of Defense force Dictionary of Military machine and Associated Terms" (PDF). United States Department of Defence. 12 July 2007. JP i-02. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-11-08. Retrieved 2007-11-21 .
  25. ^ Waller, Douglas (2003-01-25). "The CIA's Hush-hush Army". Time. Archived from the original on May nine, 2007. Retrieved 2008-11-13 .
  26. ^ "NCS Language Officers". Language Officers.
  27. ^ "50 U.S.C. § 413b(eastward)". Title 50, Us Code, Section 413b Presidential approval and reporting of covert actions.
  28. ^ "E.O. 12333 (2.11) Ban on Assassination". Due east.O. 12333. 15 Baronial 2016.
  29. ^ "l U.South.C § 403–4a". Usa Code.
  30. ^ "Executive Order 12333, as amended".
  31. ^ "NSCID 5" (PDF). National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. 5.
  32. ^ "ICD 304" (PDF). Intelligence Community Directive No. 304.
  33. ^ "l United statesC. § 403–vii". Title 50, The states Code.
  34. ^ "Intelligence Authorization Act 2002" (PDF). Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-02-03. Retrieved 2011-04-28 .
  35. ^ a b Central Intelligence Bureau (May 1998). "Deputy Director for Research" (PDF). CIA-DDR. Retrieved 2007-ten-07 .
  36. ^ Central Intelligence Agency (July 21, 1988). "Organization chart, mission and functions of the Function of Special Projects" (PDF) . Retrieved 2007-10-07 .

External links [edit]

  • National Clandestine Service
  • "US setting up new spying bureau", British Dissemination Corporation, Oct 13, 2005.


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